Sunday, October 9, 2011

Technology #1 Reflection

Technology Reflection: “Instructional Use of Edmodo”


            In last week’s seminar, I was introduced to a technology called “Edmodo”.  Edmodo is much like a social networking site that is set up similarly to that of Facebook.  The site has many benefits.  It allows the students to connect directly to one another, the teacher, access assignments, as well as receive instant feedback.  It is a great resource for upper elementary school teachers and well as secondary educators.  The students are also able to work independently with the ability to ask questions and communicate through cooperative learning. 

Learning outcomes: Students will be able to identify and summarize the stages of “The Water Cycle”.

Learners: Fourth grade, science lesson

Assessment:  The lesson will have implicit instructions so that each student will know exactly what is expected of them.  In addition, the assignment will be that each student is required to go to a certain site that has all the information and an interactive description of the water cycle.  After completing the reading and possible activities, I would direct the students to take a quiz which I would have posted directly to Edmodo.  I would then assess the grades of my students to be sure the learning outcomes were met. 

1. The teacher will upload an assignment to Edmodo
2. Students will visit Edmodo and follow the directions the teacher has posted
3. The students will view/read/interact with the site content
4. Students will use the information acquired on the site to be assessed

5. The teacher will view students answer and evaluate whether the objective were met
6. If these learning outcomes have not been achieved, the teacher will make a second attempt via Edmodo

Pedagogy-Content:To ensure that my students were able to use Edmodo and interact successfully, I would choose sites that are developmentally appropriate and easy to navigate.  I would also do a lecture while demonstrating the use of Edmodo and by illustrating my expectations of each assignment thoroughly. 

Students in this age group (fourth grade) will have been introduced to the concept of the water cycle however, it will have been only briefly discussed.  Because the water cycle is an abstract concept, many students may have a hard time visualizing it and therefore have the preconception that they will not understand this content.  Otherwise, the students will have a solid conception of what the lesson is about and they will be ready to build upon their prior knowledge. 


The major functions of this activity allow the teacher and students to experience class discussions in a new way.  It is an extension of classroom learning and permits students to work at their own pace and gain independence.  The students can ask questions, check grades, use it as a study tool, and get help if they need it.  Edmodo is a tool to communicate and illustrate information even after the school day has ended. 

Edmodo is easy to access and to work.  With only a brief explanation of this site, most people would be able to access it and figure it out in no time.  Like I said before, it is set up very similarly to Facebook, which millions of people use every day. 


Edmodo used be used in my activity to further describe the water cycle.  It also gives the students to opportunity to look back on the material and gain a visual that I may have not been able to provide otherwise.  It will also serve as means of assessment. 

The technology allows me to work one on one with students by giving them time to research the topic on their own.  This would allow me as a teacher to answer questions and give further instruction to those who need it rather than over explaining to the whole class. 

Because the students would be working more independently, I would need to monitor them on the computers.  In addition, it may also be useful to set controls on Edmodo itself to further monitor what they post online and if they are staying on task.  Also, time management would play a factor.  The students would need to be aware of how much time they have so that they do stay on task.  


In this particular activity, the students would gain a more personal experience with the material than if it were given to the whole class.  Each student would be able to work at their own pace, read the material, encounter concrete visuals, and answers questions as they go to be sure they are taking away what they should be learning. 

Because the water cycle is hard to visualize for students in this age group, this technology can supply videos that can be repeated and shared more than one time.  If the student does not understand, it is simply their call to replay the video, or ask the teacher or a fellow student to help explain.  Edmodo gives the students an opportunity to interact of a whole new level. 


The appropriate pedagogies to successfully integrate this technology require a teacher to set ground rules and ensure the students are aware of the proper meaning behind its use.  It is also imperative that implicit instruction is provided and teachers use content that is useful and on their students level.

This technology permits the students to work alone, yet with the help of their peers and their teacher.  It enhances the content by bringing it to life and allowing the students to access the material they need to work on in their own time.  It also frees time up in the classroom for the teacher to give further instruction to those who need it. 

After implementing this technology, it would be important to reflect on if it is positively effecting the students and if it is enhancing the learning process.  The teaching strategies should be created keeping the students’ learning in mind.  If they are staying on task and know what is expected of them, then the technology is only benefiting them.  If however they were not complying with directions and had trouble with the material, new teaching strategies would need to be thought of. 


  1. Well done, Cierra! Great reflection....

  2. I liked your use of terms like implicit instruction when talking about your lesson plan. I think that the water cycle is a subject that it well suited to learning through technology. An interactive and animated diagram of the water cycle would likely enhance student learning. Using an Edmodo based assessment is likely a faster way to evaluate student learning than an in class paper and pencil quiz. I agree that it is important that you let the students know how you expect them to make use of the online content before they access it. Overall, a very good post. I liked your lesson plan and I believe it made good use of Edmodo and the internet.


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